A Poem for Rare Disease Day by ISG Member and poet Rachael Boast Ichthyosiform The always overdetermined metaphoric uses of disability efface and distort the lived experience of people with disabilities, evacuating the political significance of our lives – Rosemarie Garland-Thomson A NOTE FOR THE READER The above poem is based on one of my earliest memories, of a measuring chart on the back of a bedroom door depicting a party clown. The poem's title is a reference to a way of naming the condition I have, a rare form of Ichthyosis – Non-bullous Ichthyosiform Erythroderma. When I was a child (during the 1970s and 80s) treatment for the condition included a high dose of Alimemazine, acting as an antihistamine and sedative. The poem is in the form of a sonnet, a form that can hold contrary aspects without necessarily looking for resolution. Rachael Boast Image of Rachael Boast credit: Rebecca MacPhail We asked Rachael to write a poem for Rare Disease Day #RareDiseaseDay. You can find out more about the poem by reading a conversation between Rachael and The Poetry Society on their website. Visit https://poetrysociety.org.uk/ For more information about Rare Disease Day visit https://www.rarediseaseday.org/ Manage Cookie Preferences