British Skin Foundation (BSF) and Ichthyosis Support Group (ISG) Joint Research Grant

An ISG/BSF Small Grant is available to anybody wishing to carry out U.K or R.O.I based research into ichthyosis, and in 2022 the ISG and BSF were hoping to award a small joint research grant for ichthyosis during the ISG’s 25th Anniversary Year.

Following a meeting of the British Skin Foundation (BSF)  Grants Advisory Committee in November 2022, it was decided that the proposed ISG/BSF Small Research Grant would not be awarded. Although submissions were received from recognised leaders in the field and of a good quality, the committee felt that on this occasion the standard of the applications fell just short of those required to qualify for financial support. We appreciate that this will come as a disappointment to those invested in the work of both organisations, but it was felt that there was a need to protect both the grant process and the contribution made by donors in support of this vital field of skin research.

Both the ISG and the BSF are committed to supporting the research community in their efforts to gain a better understanding of ichthyosis through high quality peer reviewed work and it is with confidence that we expect the ISG/BSF Small Grant to be awarded in June 2023.

Applications for the ISG/BSF Small Grant opened in March 2023. For details visit