COVID-19 and ichthyosis Statement on ichthyosis and COVID-19 (Coronavirus) These are challenging times and it’s still as important as ever to look after your ichthyosis, and you may have some questions in relation to this. We and our colleagues from relevant organisations are doing our best to help advise you. For general advice regarding COVID-19 follow the very latest NHS England and UK Government guidelines at and For handwashing advice, follow the British Association of Dermatologists guidelines at…/ There is no reason to suspect that just having ichthyosis puts you at greater risk. However those with an ichthyosis syndrome such as Netherton syndrome should consider themselves at increased risk because they often have additional health problems making them more susceptible. People who have existing chest problems eg asthma are an at risk group because deaths from coronavirus are due to lung failure. If you already have a breathing problem you are more likely to develop this serious complication. The virus gets into the body through mucous membranes (eyes, nose and mouth), not broken skin. If you are using eye drops be especially careful to clean your hands properly before touching your eyes. If you have any specific concerns about you or your child’s ichthyosis please contact your own doctor. For more information on managing the current situation with ichthyosis and COVID-19, whether you are more at risk and other questions you may have, our colleagues the Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types based in the United States of Amercia have written a lengthy article which can be viewed at…/ichthyosis-and-covid-19 (please remember that links within the article are for US citizens, please follow up to date information in the UK). Manage Cookie Preferences