European Reference Network (ERN) Patient Satisfaction Survey

Your feedback is needed!

The ERN-Skin has reference centres around Europe including the UK and Ireland. You or your child might attend one of these centres when you see a dermatologist. See if your centre is listed at: 

Please complete an online questionnaire which aims to measure the level of patient satisfaction after consultation in an ERN-Skin centre, in order to improve their quality of care and performance.

The questionnaire has 26 items and it is divided in 4 main sections:

  • General information on the patient
  • Consultation and follow-up (19 questions)
  • Treatment prescription and therapeutic research (5 questions)
  • Global satisfaction (2 questions)

A short blank section is available at the end of the questionnaire to add any comments.

The data will be processed by the ERN-Skin coordination team. For more details about the ERN-Skin visit