Some people with ichthyosis are experiencing problems obtaining cream, lotions and/or clothing garments on prescription from their GP. Some of these issues are as a result of guidelines issued by NHS England being misinterpreted by your local Clinical Commissioning Group (clinically-led statutory NHS bodies responsible for the planning and commissioning of health care services in your local area/GP).  The British Association for Dermatologists (BAD) and the Dermatology Council for England (DCE) have been working with NHS England (NHSE) for over a year now to publish clarification on the guidance they have issued.  Whilst they are very close to finalising this guidance NHSE have in the interim issued a letter which clarifies the intent of the guidance which is intended to help patients and prescribers to access the treatments that are needed.

Download the template letter

You may also like to refer to a letter from our Medical Advisory Board which supports patients with ichthyosis eligibility for prescribed emollients.

Download letter