There is no cure for ichthyosis, but it can be treated and managed.

There are many types of ichthyosis and each type is unique to each individual and depending on the type, may be inherited differently.   A treatment that works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. Because of this, treating ichthyosis can be a process of trial and error, and it can be frustrating and may take some time to find something that works best for you.

There may be times when your ichthyosis gets you down, and motivation to carry out the daily routines involved may be difficult at times, parents may become frustrated when trying to motivate a child with ichthyosis. However, it’s important that you maintain your treatment routine and regularly see your doctor to review your condition, and be honest about your treatment routine. It’s the best way of making sure you get to try as many treatments as possible, and find one that makes a difference to you.

Most people with ichthyosis regularly see a dermatologist to help them understand and manage their condition. Ichthyosis treatments are usually topical (applied to the skin) which can come in different formulations (creams, ointments, gels, etc). If your ichthyosis is severe and difficult to manage the thickness of the skin, your doctor may prescribe oral medication such as retinoids to help reduce the scaling, or if various types of topical treatments aren't as effective used alone. 

Caring for your ichthyosis is important to both your physical and mental health and if you have any concerns about caring for your ichthyosis you must talk to your doctor.