Support Our Work Fundraising Ideas Tell us about your fundraising We are very grateful to those who generously give up their time to support us by fundraising and raising awareness. Each fundraiser plays a vital role in helping us to continue with our work. We'd like you to help us reach our fundraising goals and what better way than to hold a fundraising challenge or event. It's also a great way to raise awareness! Join #TeamISG! You really are amazing! Already have a challenge or event planned? Please tell us all about your fundraising so we can support you! Tell us about your fundraising here You may have a challenge or an event in mind, but if not please visit our A-Z of fundraising for ideas. Get inspired Set up an online fundraising page to collect donations towards your event or sponsors of your challenge. Set up online fundraising Are you wanting to pay fundraising money in? Pay money in Thank you! Manage Cookie Preferences