Research Notice: Validation of a needs assessment tool for caregivers of children with ichthyosis  

Carleen Walsh invites caregivers of children affected by ichthyosis to test a new needs assessment e-tool to make sure it is reliable and valid.  

She would like to hear from you if you can say yes to all the following questions: 

  • Are you a family caregiver? For this study a family caregiver can be a parent, sibling, grandparent, foster parent, guardian, adoptive parent who currently provides daily care for a child of any age, diagnosed with any form of ichthyosis.  We are particularly appealing to males to consider taking part.   
  • Are you responsible for caring for a child diagnosed with ichthyosis. This care is any such care above and beyond what is considered typical for a child unaffected by ichthyosis. 
  • Are you aged between 18 years of age or older? 
  • Are you fluent in English? 
  • You have not taken part in any stage of the research project to date
  • You have access to a laptop, IPad or mobile 

If you think you would like to learn more about what is involved in this part of the study, please use the link below.   

Participant Information sheet

If you would like to take part in the study, please use the link below to provide consent. 

Consent Form

Thank you  

Carleen Walsh, PhD Researcher (Bamford Centre of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Ulster University, Cromore Road, Coleraine BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.  

If you have any questions, please contact the researcher at [email protected]