Emotional and Psychological effects of living with a skin condition Recruitment to this study is closed. Living with a skin condition is difficult, but how many people acknowledge the emotional and psychological impact it has on the person affected and their loved ones? Scott Thomas, a medical student from Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine – A.T. Still University, does and wants to find out how many patients consider their skin condition affects them psychologically and emotionally. He wants to find out more about how Dermatologists treat their patients, and if there is a general understanding among them into the psychological and emotional well being of their patients. Please click here to complete a short, anonymous, survey answering questions about your experiences of your dermatologists understanding of the psychological and emotional impact of living with a skin condition. Scott hopes to obtain enough answers to enable him to publish the findings, which may help to identify areas of treatment and care that need improvement. Manage Cookie Preferences